Saturday, June 30, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Re-take of Oliver

After yesterdays feeling of self doubt, I decided that I had to re-visit Oliver's portrait again. This time I attacked the drawing very carefully. Sketching on tracing paper, working out all the bugs before I transferred the drawing to mi-tientes drawing paper. I did a color swatch of Oliver's fur, which helped me rendered this drawing. I am now pleased with the way he turned out.
Lesson learned...there are no short cuts!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I seem to be all over...
I seem to be all over the place. I can't seem to decide if I want to work in watercolors, colored pencils,or work on my Chinese brush technique. I guess I'm having at the moment self doubt about my ability to create. I keep on asking myself, why do I create? Is it a need or a desire? Do I paint or draw because I have too? I think so. Even when I'm not drawing or painting, I'm thinking about art. What will be my next piece? What do I want to learn from the process? What direction do I want to take? And a hundred more questions fill my mind. Originally when I first started to learn how to paint in watercolors...I wanted to paint a realistic portrait of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel...Bella. That was the beginning. Since then I've painted several portraits of my dogs. Some are good, some are OK. I'm really trying to draw free hand without the help of a grid. The colored pencil drawing of "Oliver" the Dachshund is a drawing I did freehand yesterday. I'm not happy with the way the drawing came out. Something seems to be missing. I wanted a likeness and I wanted his proportions to be right. Then I had problems trying to achieve the correct coloring of Oliver. It's when I get frustrated with the outcome, I become unsure of my ability. So after looking at Oliver for a while I decided to put him aside and work on something else.
I thought I'd try my hand at rendering a glass piece done in colored pencil. This drawing went a little better and I'll probably sketch it again and try painting it in watercolor.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Magnolia on Faber-Castell wc paper

I looked through all my photo's and found a photo reference of a magnolia. I attempted to render similar to the demo in Leisure Painter. I used Faber-Castell wc paper and Daniel Smith Watercolors. After using the Lama Li wc paper, I think I'm spoiled for life. The Faber-Castell just doesn't have the tooth like the Lama Li.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Magnolia...Sunlight on White Lama Li WC paper

I decided to try a watercolor demo from my recent copy of Leisure Painter...Sunlight on White by Annelise Pio. I used different colours than suggested and added a little bit more detail. Overall I'm please with the way this small watercolor came out. I used Lama Li watercolor paper, Daniel Smith watercolors, and did the line drawing using a HB pencil. Now to go through my photo's to find a magnolia to paint incorporating suggestions from the article in Leisure Painter.
I really like the watercolor paper, but don't like the graininess that I get when I scan the painting. I'll have to keep on tweaking my scanning process to get better results.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Lama Li watercolor paper

On Friday I got to meet Brenda of http://www.amberridgedesert.blogspot.com/
turns out that she only 6 miles from me. So we had an art date. We went out to lunch in Lancaster and then went to a local art association to see the new watercolor paintings. Afterwards we came back to my house for some show-in-tell. It is just so neat to be able to meet another artist that lives so close and that I can get together and paint and go on outings with.
Brenda had mentioned Lama Li watercolor paper and brought over her journal so I could see some of her paintings and feel the paper. I couldn't get over how nice the paper felt and was lucky enough to get a few pieces to try...Thank you Brenda! So yesterday morning I drew this Dalia lily and was amazed at how wonderful the paper took to the watercolor paint. I'm definitely sold on this paper and now am waiting for my order from Dick Blick. The only problem I can see with this paper is that you can't really scrub because the paper not only lifts the paint but the paper too. So I found just getting a clean brush with water,dabbing the area I want to lift the paint, and then using a paper towel to blot out the paint and that seems to work just fine.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Chinese Brush painting class with Nan Rae

After attempting my hand at this, I decided I needed to go for a lesson and it so happens she had a class yesterday. Well the lessons were fabulous. Nan is a wonderful and patient teacher and in the 4 hour class I learned a lot. Also bought a lot of supplies...better Chinese brushes, and paper. The bunnies and the cat is what I did in class.
Now that I have the right brushes it will be practice,practice for me. It's so relaxing.

Sunday, June 10, 2007
Chinese brush painting

I've finally recovered from my trip back east. My niece's wedding was a pleasant surprise. She looked beautiful and the groom, my first time meeting him, was rather nice. I can't remember a wedding that I've been too that I've had so much fun and enjoyed. Best part my time in Ohio was short and sweet. On Sunday I flew to Chicago to visit my girlfriend. The weather was a bit cooler than I expected and it rained. We spent the time doing some fun things. I participated in some dance classes...salsa and west coast swing is harder than it looks. I didn't realize I had two left feet. The Art Institute was amazing. Saw some interesting Picasso's and lots of oil paintings. I really was surprised at the extensive book selections in the Art Institutes's gift store. I bought a book on Chinese brush painting and it turns out that the author lives near Glendale and offers classes. So for the past few days I've been trying my hand at Chinese brush. I bought a couple of Chinese brushes and really don't like how they handle. You either have to work with a really dry brush or rice paper. I ended up using a regular watercolor brush to do this Peony using the techniques in the book I bought. I probably will sign up for one class to see if this is something I might like to get into.
And course shopping was great. Now that I have no more distractions I plan to get back into my art.
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