Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Space Needle

Ok...I'll be the first to admit drawing from life is hard. I'm so use to taking pictures and then working from my photos. Trying to get perspective, unusual angles does not help either. Oh why do I always make things so hard for myself!!! I really need to simplify. So on day two...Seattle's Space Needle from the ground up. I rendered this in my Canson journal using a FC medium tip artist pen.
I've also have been trying to figure out layers in Adobe Photoshop. I bought a book titled "Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0 classroom in a book" which comes with a working disk of lessons. So hopefully I'll be through the book and have a better understanding of how to apply layers. Wish me luck.


Brenda Yarborough said...

You are so like me! I'm much more comfortable working from photos and I enjoy learning with do-it-yourself books. Working plein aire and working through art books is a part of my 2007 goals too. You're doing great with your architectural theme - keep them coming!!

Irena said...

Thanks Brenda for the kind words of encouragement! I find it more comfortable to work from photos in my nice warm house, instead of outside in the element. When the weather gets warmer, I'll be outside with my handy FC pen and trusty moleskin!