The well was dry for a while. I've been taking the last couple of months to re-charge...dabbling in making cards, going to scrapbook expo's, reading, trying different mediums, going back to my first love of watercolor and working in colored pencil; so yes, I've been creating art. Some good, some bad, some experimentation, a lot not worth showing. I've also have taken an online portrait class and hope to take more.
In October I'm to going to Paris, France for 10 days of fun. Plan to take lots of pictures, do some plein air sketching, visit some of my favorite haunts, and of course go shopping!!!!
I've been toying with the idea of going to art school to study illustration, but not sure if I want to get into debt with hefty's not like I need another degree...have plenty of those.
It wasn't until the other day when I was blog surfing I came across a blog called "Virtual Art Date" which each month artist band together and sketch from the same reference photo supplied by a participant. As I viewed some of the entries, I got excited about wanting to participate. Not that I'd join, but just attempt to sketch reference photos that interested me. The first reference photo I choose was as Rhododendron bud submitted by Jeanette Jobson. I got out my treasured color pencils and have spent the last day and half working on this drawing. It felt good to draw and just be in the moment of art. So I hope to do more sketches from the site. I find it interesting to see other artists take on the same reference photo.
In the meantime, I was offered an opportunity to illustrate a children's book. I'm looking forward to working on the illustrations. So at the moment I feel happy and content and glad I took a much needed break from blogging...but it's sure good to be back!!